person holding mic singing


We listen to all demos that are submitted to us, but please respect that we might take time to respond, due to many artists sending demos to us. However, you will always get a response for free.

Your demo doesn’t need to be perfect yet. We are listening to your potential, not the studio quality. If you have a work in progress and are really talented, then we will help you shape the edges. Although, well-produced music does matter and please do not send a recording from your mobile phone. (Yes, that actually happens…)

Get your music heard by our record label

Reach your goal faster and don't let a que stop you from sharing your music with the world.

How to submit demo

You can only submit your music to our A&R team via a streaming service like Soundcloud / Youtube / Spotify etc. To upload your music to us is no longer possible since our mailboxes became too crowded. Please submit your top one song only, we will only listen to one song anyhow.

Our goal is to help you take your music to a whole new level, therefore we are looking for driven artists with talent. We love when people know why they are creating their music. Hence, please also write a few lines about why you are doing this and why you would like to be part of the Rexius Records. Please don’t write an essay, a huge mass of text won’t cheer up our A&Rs. Rather they will skip it if it is too long. Just write short and concisely.

When you submit your demo, you can opt-in to get your demo reviewed live on one of our social media. We try to create great content, share some tips on what our A&R’s looking for in a demo, and share your awesome music with our audience. We won’t do this every time, however, only if we like your music. Monthly, we will award the best demo submitted to us. There is a checkbox in the demo submission form to give us this right.

We do not any longer accept physical submissions. Unfortunately, we don’t even have a CD player at our place! Instead of paying for shipping and customs, we recommend you just send a digital link to us.

Frequently asked questions

What kind of criteria does Vision & Vitality Ent. pay attention to?

We listen to your demo from the point of view of a record label, which means we pay attention to the stuff that qualifies an artist for a signing. In order to make our feedback as objective as possible, we have several specific aspects we focus on, such as:

– Songwriting: Everything from the form to the harmony and the melody, hook, etc.
– Recording: Includes aspects such as your musical performance and recording techniques.
– Postproduction: The mix and/or the mastering.

In What Quality Does My Demo Need to Be in When I Send Them to You?

We do not focus on the quality at all when we are listening to demos for a signing project, but it is important that we can hear what’s happening in the song. For example, it’s better to send just the piano and vocals rather than a rehearsal studio demo where the sound is crappy. You don’t need to send a complete song either, but the bare minimum is a verse and a chorus.

However, for Song Licensing we are not looking at demos at all but already released music on Spotify and all other music services and now the quality needs to make the top 15 list of our roster of songs in the genre.

Who Reviews My Demo

A member of the Vision & Vitality Ent's team of producers and A&Rs suitable for your specific genre, with years of experience in the music industry.

Do you recoup your share before us?

No, we split royalties based on the contract’s percental split between us from day one. We believe that everyone should get back at least what they put into the project, and hopefully more.

Sometimes when there is a clear financial or tax benefit in making a recoup, we might consider it but in that case, it should be beneficial for both parties.

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

Submit Demo